Friday, March 4, 2011

It's never "enough."

How much is enough?

A friend of mine asked me, "How much is enough for me ?"
I can only eat so much of food, and i can only take up two square meters when i sleep.
"How much do I need?" em....................

This question apply to my business and for thoese business people who do it for $$$; but a good one doesn't. "Enough" is not the point.

I told him I do it because I love my job, and I want to make a positive difference to my user. I want to express myself, thrill myself with the pursuit, and push myself to the boundaries. If I retired (young or old), what the heck would I do ? emmm.............I'd be wasting my talent, and discontinuing my contribution. I'd veg out - and probably die shortly thereafter....................
I keep going, doing my very best, no matter what the outcome. It's never enough.! USERS HAVE NEVER ENOUGH !

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Positive attitude

People are drawn to positive people, businesses, and outcomes. If you aren’t excited about your business, no one will be.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Survey Questions

Do you have a smart phone like iPhone or Blackberry or windows based phones to be able to check how your business progressing when you are away from your computer/office or remotely via phone ? Do you needed to know certain information and you could have used to look up your Customer, Sales, Vendors etc ...........

Do you think business owners would be moving fwd to purchase a smart phone to interact more easily with their backend ERP system to have information at their finger tips? What would you pay for such kind of apps which provides instant access to your data?


Congratulation to USG, We have been their solution provider for AIMS-ERP Software for almost 7 yrs now,I realized that supporting ERP customers is the most toughest and critical part is "communications" too make happy customers all around.................

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Your Problem

Your business problems are the result of your thinking problems.
Don't believe me? See, that's your problem !