Friday, March 4, 2011

It's never "enough."

How much is enough?

A friend of mine asked me, "How much is enough for me ?"
I can only eat so much of food, and i can only take up two square meters when i sleep.
"How much do I need?" em....................

This question apply to my business and for thoese business people who do it for $$$; but a good one doesn't. "Enough" is not the point.

I told him I do it because I love my job, and I want to make a positive difference to my user. I want to express myself, thrill myself with the pursuit, and push myself to the boundaries. If I retired (young or old), what the heck would I do ? emmm.............I'd be wasting my talent, and discontinuing my contribution. I'd veg out - and probably die shortly thereafter....................
I keep going, doing my very best, no matter what the outcome. It's never enough.! USERS HAVE NEVER ENOUGH !

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