Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What data will be used for ERP training?

Ask: What data will be used for ERP training?

For best results, your ERP Partner should set up a test company for the purposes of training using your own company data. This will stay separate from the actual database you will use when you go live.

If your users get trained on fictitious sample company data, the impact will be diluted when they start to work with your own data and processes.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Customization & Custom Development:

Proceed with caution!

Minor customizations made by an experienced Partner can give you the one feature you need to make the software a perfect fit.

But major software customization should only be considered if you have a business critical process that cannot be changed.
To Save $ : To minimize customizations, take the time to fully define and review your internal processes. This exercise may uncover ways you can be more efficient using the software as it is.
Vivienna from erp2u.com

Chart Of Account Sample 4

Sample 4 - Chart of Account Structure
ABC Sporting Goods operates 5 stores in two states. They sell to commercial and retail buyers and classify their sales and expenses into five departments.

After consulting with their accountants, ABC Sporting Goods decided on the following account structure:
Sample Chart of Accounts

The 1st segment is refer to the Main Account
The 2nd segment 0001,0002,0003.0004,0005 refer to Stores
The 3rd segment AZ, NM refer to States
The 4th segment PHX, GLN,ALB,TEM refer to Department.

Vivienna from erp2u.com

Chart Of Account Sample 1,2,3

The account segment is your company's Account number structure, the segment design needs to meet the requirements of your company now and in the future.

We have done some following exmaple to help you in designing your account segment.

Sample 1
ABC Industries operates two locations and has four sales departments. They have the following accounts setup:

Base on the structure above, consists of 12 characters and 3 segments
500000 will be the main account,
100, 200 will be the location
001,002,003,004 will be the department  
Sample 2
The following account number consists of 12 characters and 4 segments:
Sample : 85000.125.ABC.1.
The breakdown of the account structure is:

85000 Main Account
125 Department
1 Company

Sample 3
The following account number consists of 8 characters and 4 segments,
sample : 3/780/12/09.
The break-down of the account structure is:

3 Store
780 Base Account
12 Profit Center
09 Region

Vivienna from erp2u.com

Saturday, November 14, 2009

ERP Data Conversion

When you have figured out approximately how many records will need to be converted, the Partner can give you an estimate of the amount of time involved.

To Save $: Some companies find that hiring a temp worker or intern to manually enter information into the new system is a less expensive alternative.