Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Select the best team members for ERP project.

Select the best team members for the project.

The better the project team members, the better the project’s results. Having knowledgeable, team-oriented people on the project will be invaluable for success. Remember the following criteria for selecting team members:

  1. Choose Members Based on Knowledge and not Tenure
  2. Keep the Group Size Between Five and Ten People
  3. Identify Not Only the Team Members but Departmental Back Up Representatives as well
  4. Choose Members Who Can Dedicate the Time Required for Project Participation
  5. Choose Members Who are Well-Liked, Well-Known, Considered Knowledgeable, and   Respected within the Organization
  6. Choose Positive Individuals Who Welcome Change
Selecting team members who are the least valuable to the organization to be on the project team because it will minimize the disruption to daily operations will doom a software selection project before it begins.

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