Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

During ERP Implementation

When implementing an ERP system. some users may alawys hv issues about their computer illiteracy, or may say that they have spent many years doing what rhey are doing now without help from an ERP system. Other users may say that their jobs will be threatened by the new system, or that they will not know how to do the job within the scope of such a system. Yet another group of users may stress values such as the importance of existing system, which may be jeopardized by the new ERP system and so on and so on..........

My personal point of view, all ERP users are expected to be reluctant to welcome the new system if they do not know how it works. Teaching each of the user groups how the ERP system works is important for them.

hands-on training is another important driver of ERP implementation success. Training offer a good opportunity to help users adjust to the change , it also helps to build positive attitudes toward the new system when they get to know the system more, training provides hands-on experience for the users: they appreciate the quality attributes of the system and its potential benefits and also of course the hard work spent by the consultant.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

User Attitute problem

When i implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, i always found that the top management commonly faces an unwanted attitude from the users for many reason or another, they resist the implementation process. Resist to change = resist to improve , i think the top management should always proactively deal with this type of USER's ATTITUTE PROBLEM. The BEST BEST system doesnt work if ur user resist to improve.
